Sunday, January 25, 2015

I recommend CrowdRise

I"m impressed with CrowdRise

It's easy to set up.

This was created by the actor Edward Norton.

Please help me raise $1100 for a student in Armenia

A student in Armenia needs some money to complete his degree.  He plans to return to his village of Chinari to become a teacher.

I've sent him $1100 (two payments of $550)
since Feb. 2014... I need some help to finish this project.

The challenge is to raise $550 before February 28.  We also need to raise another $550 before August 1 (for his final semester).

Here are the screenshots from CROWDRISE

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Bread In Armenia (and other photos from Janaury 2015)

This blog is a record of some of the photos that Davit has sent our school.  The blog is called "Bread in Armenia" because "Life in Armenia" is not available.

Somebody is sitting on the address and is doing nothing with it.


So, here are some photos that Davit sent to us.

Residents of Chinari village, located in the most heated spot on the volatile border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, where shooting is heard constantly, say proudly that Armenia starts with their village, and that they are the northeastern gateway of the Homeland. Even 18 years after Armenia and Azerbaijan signed ceasefire, shooting in Chinari, Tavush province (some 250 kilometers from Yerevan), is a routine occurrence here along 28 kilometers of the border between warring countries.
“The war has not stopped in Chinari yet. What happens here is obscene. Had they [Azeris] fired from base to base that would have been another issue, but they fire directly at the village, at a peaceful population, at cars and cattle,” says head of Chinari village Samvel Saghoyan.
Chinari, which is surrounded by mountains, is stuck in the Armenian-Azeri border like a triangular peninsula. It borders with Azerbaijan’s Tovuz and Getabek regions. The frontline positions of the Azeri side are clearly visible even with naked eye.
“They [Azeris] are on the mountains and the village is under the mountains. They directly have power over the village and they are so close that whenever they wish they cause damage. Even without a sniper they can cause damage easily,” says Saghoyan, adding that the last house of the village is located some 650 meters from the Azeri side’s frontline positions.


Statue of a bird with a crowd

Water Trough

4 Building with steps

5 building with trees


rocks and river

blue ribbon and flowers over a door

red and black arch
with fountain

cloudy day with hills and trees on the hills

stone with Armenian letters

street with gravel 

green monument
1915 to 2006

bread in an oven

bread outside 


If you want to write to Davit, send email messages to

This blog is edited by Steve at